Last night Lorelei started throwing up and then this morning she started with the poop! Her pediatrician said that there is a bug going around. So now I have it and John thinks he's getting it. LOVELY!
On another note, Happy New Year to everyone!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I am so unorganized this year! I am ususally on time with birthday/anniversary cards and one of the first ones out with my Christmas cards except now I have a baby! I believe that my New Year's resolution is to get organized! Well I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The next few days will be hectic I am sure so I probably won't get to post anything but I will get some pics up from Christmas and all. I also wanted to thank everyone again for their thoughts and prayers! We have been very blessed this year with Lorelei. We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday!
Love, Jess, John and Lorelei
Love, Jess, John and Lorelei
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
First tooth
So John and I noticed on Monday that Lorelei didn't want anything to do with anything. She didn't want to be held, she didn't want on the floor, she fussed about everything. We finally got her to sleep. When we woke up Tuesday I decided to feel inside her mouth and I could feel something sharp! I was so excited, her first tooth. She obviously noticed it too because she kept running her tongue over it. It was funny to watch, she looked like a snake.
I am now sick and have a nasty cold but I would rather it be me then her. I have finished making and buying all my gifts and by Friday they will all be wrapped. Next on my list is to make cookies for work and daycare. Then I will be done. Hope everyone has a great week.
I am now sick and have a nasty cold but I would rather it be me then her. I have finished making and buying all my gifts and by Friday they will all be wrapped. Next on my list is to make cookies for work and daycare. Then I will be done. Hope everyone has a great week.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Photos
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Going Home
So we've been cleared to go home. She did awesome through the night. Her oxygen was great and her pressures were good. No more fever. Now we just have to wait for the paper work. We'd like to thank everyone for their prayers.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Palmetto Health Children's Hospital
So we've been admitted to the hospital because Lorelei has RSV. I had brought her to see the Dr on Wednesday and she was diagnosed with a cold. She spiked a fever yesterday and still had a slight fever today. I happened to talk to the nurse at Dr. Bonnett's office at work and she said to bring the baby in to be tested for RSV. So John brings her in and yup she has RSV. So he admits her to the hospital. She probably will only be here overnight as long as her oxygen levels stay good. They also put her on Amoxicillin because she has an ear infection.
I will update tomorrow with more. Have a good night!
I will update tomorrow with more. Have a good night!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Cardiology Day
Today Lorelei and I went to see Dr. Shuler, her cardiologist. Her pulses and pressures were great! The ECHO was fun because she did NOT want to cooperate. Dr Shuler said that everything looked good except that the pressure going through her aortic valve was higher then the last time we went. Which means that her aortic valve isn't growing very well. Usually when this happens the heart works harder to get the blood places and the heart muscle gets thicker however her heart muscle is perfectly normal! Dr Shuler wasn't too concerned and we are going back in 3 months for another check on it. There will be a possibility of another surgery or 2 if her valve does not grow but for now we aren't concerned with that.
Please send up your prayers for her valve to start growing. I am going to have a chat with the valve, I know it won't listen to me but I can hope.
Hope everyone is having a good week.....this weekend I will be able to finish up shopping and hopefully get my Christmas cards out.
Please send up your prayers for her valve to start growing. I am going to have a chat with the valve, I know it won't listen to me but I can hope.
Hope everyone is having a good week.....this weekend I will be able to finish up shopping and hopefully get my Christmas cards out.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Back Home
I did pretty well. I only called home a few times. She did well too. I came home to her babbling and saying DaDa and getting up on all fours trying to figure out how to crawl. I guess I will need to baby proof soon. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Friday, December 5, 2008
So today I am going out of town and going to be away from Lorelei for the first time. I will let you know how I do on Sunday when I get back. Have a good weekend!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Giving Thanks!
Palmetto Hearts is the support group we are a part of that helps families with children that have Congenital Heart Defects. Some of the proceeds go to Annabelle Baskets (you can read on the side bar under Annabelle Baskets or Angel Annabelle). Lorelei was the first baby to receive an Annabelle Basket. If you read Angel Annabelle you will also see that there are now magnets. If you would like to purchase please let me know and I can direct you to the right person.
After that we went went home and opened Christmas presents from Gramma, Grampa and Uncle Tommy. It was so much fun! Lorelei was a tired little girl and while Daddy and Grampa were putting together her kitchen, she fell asleep!
We have had a lot to be thankful for this year. We have a beautiful, healthy daughter, a wonderful family, great friends and new friends! This has been a great year! I am humbled.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
In-laws, Golf and Prayers
We have been very busy getting ready for my in-laws to come and visit us for Thanksgiving. They are arriving Friday and we are so excited! We have a special surprise waiting for them when they get here which I will tell you all about later. No I am not preggers! Anywho, Saturday is the Palmetto Hearts Golf Tournament. We are very excited to raise money for our cause.
Lorelei has been rolling over and if you put her on her stomach she just rolls over but if she thinks you're not looking she will get on her belly and try to get stuff. Her new nickname is Gene Simmons because she will just stick her tongue out and tries to blow raspberries. I will post pics later as I am at work and don't have any pics.
Lastly, I would like you all to pray for our friend Evie who has been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. She is getting a second opinion in December. She is a heart baby too. If you would like to read her story go to the sidebar and look under Evie (Heart Sister).
Lorelei has been rolling over and if you put her on her stomach she just rolls over but if she thinks you're not looking she will get on her belly and try to get stuff. Her new nickname is Gene Simmons because she will just stick her tongue out and tries to blow raspberries. I will post pics later as I am at work and don't have any pics.
Lastly, I would like you all to pray for our friend Evie who has been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. She is getting a second opinion in December. She is a heart baby too. If you would like to read her story go to the sidebar and look under Evie (Heart Sister).
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Part 2
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well I know I am late in updating but here goes...Her 6 month checkup went well. She is 13lbs 14 oz and 26 and 1/4 inches tall. Dr. Bonnett said she looks great and to keep doing what we are doing. Next Dr appt is with her cardiologist in Dec.
So we have been dealing with some firsts here lately. She is now holding her bottle on her on when she feels like it. Yesterday she rolled over from her back to her tummy to her back and she did it 3 times! This is an accomplishment since she HATES being on her stomach. We were so proud of her!
Next up is getting ready for Halloween then getting ready for Gramma and Grampa Friedel and Uncle Tommy to come for the Palmetto Hearts Golf Tournament and Thanksgiving. Jeannette, Marc, Lexi and Jack are also coming as well as John's Uncle Kevin, Aunt Kim, Zach and Mason. There is going to be around 19 people at Mom's for Thanksgiving. It should be fun.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
6 Months Old
I can't believe that Lorelei is 6 months old today! It just seems like yesterday...well you know the rest. She's starting to hold her own bottle when she wants to and has even rolled onto her belly but quickly rolls back over to her back. When she's on her back she is starting to lift her head up so she looks like she's doing a crunch. Her abs are going to look great :O)
We have a 6 month check up on Tuesday so I will let you in on that on Tuesday. She gets more shots. Yeah!
I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend.
We have a 6 month check up on Tuesday so I will let you in on that on Tuesday. She gets more shots. Yeah!
I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
So I forgot to add this pic from the Night at the Museum with Palmetto Hearts. Aunt Jan and Uncle Mark thought that Lorelei needed her name really BIG! Thats Meemaw and Uncle Mark on the right playing at the water table at the CHILDREN'S Museum :O)
So Lorelei and I drove to Columbia this morning to go to the Pulmonologist to get the shot to prevent RSV. He said that we didn't need it since her Heart Defect was repaired and she's not on any medicine and doesn't have any lung problems. He said that she was at no greater risk then any other child to get RSV. So we are doing what we can to prevent illness, like washing hands etc. Dr. Brown (the Pulmonologist) said that he would send a note to her pediatrician and explain but if Dr. Bonnett (pediatrician) thinks she needs it, its not too late for her to get it.
We want to wish our buddy William a Happy Birthday! He turned 1 on Monday! I can't believe that he is already 1. Time flies.
We also wanted to ask for prayers for Baby Gracie as she flew up to Heaven this morning. She had HLHS. Please pray for her family as they go through this time.
Monday, September 22, 2008
More Pics
Heart Walk
We had such a great time this weekend. The Heart Walk was fun and it was so great to see familiar faces and meet new people. Saturday night we went to the Children's Museum and it was so much fun. I think Aunt Jan and Uncle Mark had more fun then most of the kids that were there. :O) I am posting some pics too! The first pic is of Lo getting ready for the walk. The next pic is of our friend Wendy with Heart Baby Luci. The next is of Lorelei and Montgomery (her neighbor in PCICU). The next pic is of Meemaw, Aunt Jan and Uncle Mark starting to skip down the street. The last is Jan and Mark, they are having FUN!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
This Weekend
So tomorrow after work John, Lo and I are headed to Charleston for the Heart Walk. We have raised almost $500! I am so excited. We will finally be able to meet some of the people in the support group we have been talking to. We will also get to see Luci and her family again. We are very excited about that. John and I will be taking pictures of our new friends and the walk and I will post them next week. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Oh, by the way, I have added a new blog to check out. Her name is Evie and is a heart baby too! She's beautiful and needs our prayers as do all of the heart babies and children out there. We are also happy to hear about Lo's neighbor in PCICU who will be going home tomorrow. RJ good luck! We are proud of you!
Oh, by the way, I have added a new blog to check out. Her name is Evie and is a heart baby too! She's beautiful and needs our prayers as do all of the heart babies and children out there. We are also happy to hear about Lo's neighbor in PCICU who will be going home tomorrow. RJ good luck! We are proud of you!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good Evening
I have just entered the blog contest on Martha Stewart's Blog. Let's hope she looks at it as I would love to get more attention paid to babies and children with Congential Heart Defects.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
We had a cardiology appointment today. Lo did great. Her blood pressures were good and her ECHO looked good. Dr. Shuler was pleased with her. We go back to see him in December. Other then that, she's been trying new foods and has liked everything so far. Tonight we start with peas. She has already tried pears, prunes, bananas, applesauce, sweet potatoes and green beans. Her newest is that she has found her tongue. We have started calling her Gene Simmons. She has also found her "woman voice" as her Daddy calls it. She screechs and thinks its funny. I will post pics soon. Hope all is well!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sweet Taters!
So Lorelei had 3 "firsts" this weekend. She rolled over from her tummy to her back, she ate sweet potatoes and we got into our exersaucer.
She hates tummy time so John does it. I was doing laundry and he yelled for me to come quick to see her do it. She hollers while she is on her tummy until she flips over and then she will smile at you.
Lo thinks that sweet potatoes are the best thing in the world. As she eats, she makes a funny noise like num, num. It's so funny. She opens her mouth wide when she's done to get some more. Next up pears, prunes and green beans.
She's still not to sure about the exersaucer but we tried to show her some things on it and she may get the hang of it soon!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Oh so tired....
So its been a while. We started Lo on oatmeal and she likes it better then the rice cereal. This weekend we are going to start with some prunes and veggies. Yesterday we went to the pediatrician and got our 4 month old shots. Dr. B said she looks great! John and I are very tired because Miss Thing decided at 1:30 that it was time to eat and be up until 5! She also spiked a fever of 102. Mommy stayed home because she would be sent home from daycare.
I have been started on blood pressure medicine because its still high after having Lorelei. They also did an ECHO just to make sure everything is ok. It came back normal. So now we just have to start back at the gym and eating right! Oh a routine would be nice!
Next month is the cardiologist on the 9th and the Heart Walk on the 20th in Charleston. It's going to be nice to be in Charleston and NOT have to visit the hospital.
John is also getting a charity golf tournament together for the weekend of Nov 22 to raise money for our support group, Palmetto Hearts.
Hope all are doing well!
P.S. I forgot to tell you that she found her toes!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Rice cereal
Well let's see, today we gave Lorelei rice cereal for the first time. She looked so cute in her high chair. She had an idea about eating the cereal. Its funny, she's eating and making a face like this is gross at the same time. Lorelei continues to grow and is investigating new things. She's starting to grab at things and play with things a little. She hates tummy time still but we are working on it. I am posting some pics of eating the cereal and some more pics of Jack and Lorelei. Oh yeah, we also took a video of the cereal. I will post it after John gets it on the computer and I figure out how to do it. Have a great weekend!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Last week
I feel like I have so much to update about. First off Pediatric Pulmonology called and said that Lorelei's pediatrician recommended her to have the Synagis shot which helps prevent RSV (a virus that can put babies in the hospital). She qualified to have this so starting Oct. 1 she will go in every month to get a shot (poor thing) until RSV season is over.
Jeannette, Marc, Lexi and Jack came on Saturday. Jack is a solid 22lb boy. He is so funny! He army crawls, normal crawls only when he wants to and pulls himself up. He loves the pool and does the chewbacca noise all the time. We had so much fun! I had to work all week so I feel like I didn't really get to see them all that much. He was great with Lorelei and I can't wait to see them together when they come back down for Thanksgiving.
Lorelei is doing well. She continues to grow and is now fitting very nicely into 3-6 months clothing. I have already had to pack up some of her newborn and 0-3 months things. That was sad. I am going to have to get her some new socks because all of her socks are getting too small. Daddy's birthday was Wednesday and we went out to dinner. She does really well when we are at restaurants.
My birthday is this coming week so once again we will be going out to dinner. She will go to the pediatrician Aug 19 for her 4 month appointment and more shots.
I am posting some pics of the past week of Jack and Lorelei.
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