I feel like I have so much to update about. First off Pediatric Pulmonology called and said that Lorelei's pediatrician recommended her to have the Synagis shot which helps prevent RSV (a virus that can put babies in the hospital). She qualified to have this so starting Oct. 1 she will go in every month to get a shot (poor thing) until RSV season is over.
Jeannette, Marc, Lexi and Jack came on Saturday. Jack is a solid 22lb boy. He is so funny! He army crawls, normal crawls only when he wants to and pulls himself up. He loves the pool and does the chewbacca noise all the time. We had so much fun! I had to work all week so I feel like I didn't really get to see them all that much. He was great with Lorelei and I can't wait to see them together when they come back down for Thanksgiving.
Lorelei is doing well. She continues to grow and is now fitting very nicely into 3-6 months clothing. I have already had to pack up some of her newborn and 0-3 months things. That was sad. I am going to have to get her some new socks because all of her socks are getting too small. Daddy's birthday was Wednesday and we went out to dinner. She does really well when we are at restaurants.
My birthday is this coming week so once again we will be going out to dinner. She will go to the pediatrician Aug 19 for her 4 month appointment and more shots.
I am posting some pics of the past week of Jack and Lorelei.
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