Here are a few of the things that Lorelei received while she was in PCICU:
When she moved up to 7C her nurses again made sure that we were ok and made sure we didn't need anything. There is also a book cart run by volunteers at a church (forgive me since I don't remember which church or what the organization is called) that comes by every Thursday. They gave Lorelei a book and I was so thankful! Again it was so nice of others to think about us and our child!
This is something she received in PCICU during her recovery of her second surgery:
All of these items will be kept in a special spot when she doesn't want them or play with them anymore. They hold a spot in my heart and I will cherish them forever. So why am I writing this post? Well, you see, I knit and sew, and I am going to try to knit some small Prayer Snugglies (my name for a small blanket that I pray over while I knit it, so it will comfort the one that it goes to) and also sew some small Cuddlies (small blankets I will sew out of minky fabric, if you don't know what that is, its the softest fabric!). Once I get them done I will take pictures and post them. I am hoping to get them done before September when we go down to Charleston for the Heart Walk. I also was wondering if any of my crafty, creative friends would also like to make some things to donate to the PCICU. It seems that there are a tremendous amount of babies going in to the PCICU and I would like them to get a loving treat from us!
For those children who are on 7C, we are still working on the BraveHEART Baskets and trying to get them to the children but it seems to have hit a road block. There are baskets there but not being handed out. We are in the process of remedying that so all the children will be able to get a little something while they are at the hospital!
If you would like to donate please contact me at and I will let you know where you can mail the package! Thanks so much!
1 comment:
You are absolutely right...PCICU and
7C are awesome.. We were so blessed by them. Zeb was there on Easter and he got an Easter basket...His 1st.
Thanks for sharing..Love the new shirts..I still got to order one..Zeb is outgrowing his other one..
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