My new sweater that Miss Brenda made me. I LOVE it!

This is how
I put my crown on!

Hanging in my wagon going up and down the street!

Waiting to go trick or treating.

Getting ready to go to daycare in my costume.

This is what I came home to last week. She had her 'Lorelei' shirt on and I guess at daycare they didn't want to get it dirty so they put a bib on her. John tried to take it off when she got home but she wouldn't take it off. I guess right before I got home from work she put her tutu on and that's the outfit I came home to. She definitely knows what she wants. I might have a fashionista on my hands.

1 comment:
How cute is that?? She will march to the beat of her own drum..and you will LOVE every minute of it!! My girls are like night and day and I love and enjoy their uniqueness..and Zeb well he's a boy and that is a whole new ballgame...
Rhonda ~ (See ya Saturday)
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