Friday, February 1, 2013

Lorelei's Heart Story

Lorelei was born on April 18, 2008 via c-section. All was fine until her pediatrician heard a murmur and called for and ECHO. They found that she had a hole in her heart (VSD) and her aortic arch was "interrupted". Sunday night she was flown to MUSC and we met up with her Monday afternoon in PCICU.  She was so tiny and was not able to eat due to some wires and tubes in her belly button. Thursday morning she had her first surgery to repair the hole in her heart and fix her interrupted aortic arch.
She came home 2 weeks later after us having to learn how to feed her (she threw up A LOT). She was a fun baby that never slept and had reflux. When she was 17 months old, she had to have a second surgery to fix some aortic stenosis that was happening because of some tissue that was growing under her aortic valve. She recovered quickly, she had her surgery on a Monday and was home that Friday. She still didn't sleep and really had fun.
She is still growing and is almost as tall as I am. (I am not really that tall, 4'11"). Now at almost 5 years old, I relive this story like it is yesterday. She will have to have a third surgery, which is a repeat of her second surgery. It will be within the next 2 years. Lorelei will be starting kindergarten in the fall and is able to live like any other kid. Here are some pics that document her life.

1 comment:

Evie's Story said...

Love this girl
Love her story
Love her special heart!!