We went to NY for the week and Uncle Tommy and Grammie bought Lorelei a water gun. She was having a TON of fun getting everyone else wet but would NOT want anyone to shoot her. It was pretty funny!
We also visited some playgrounds with our cousins.
We went to Grampa Don's land and sat on the tractor.
And rode the golf cart around the land.
I got to see my Grandma, Lorelei's Great-Grandma Charlotte. She will be 90 at the end of the month! Doesn't she look great!
We also met up with some friends I haven't seen in years and their kids and went to the splash pad. We had lunch and played in the water!
She wasn't too sure about the water because it would come up at different times but by the end she played a lot!
Lorelei and Grandpa Don!
She was a little tuckered out after running around with her new friends at the water park. This is how I found her. :o)
We talked seriously with cousin Jack while getting ice cream!
Jack and my sister Jeannette.
We looked at our new cousin, Delaney.
Grammy made forts with cushions.
We played around Grammy and Papa's pool. It was WAY too cold to go in, I am not sure why John is in there!
We played with Jack and new friend, DJ. He is my very first friend's child.
Beth and Jill, yes they are twins, are my very first friends. They are 6 days younger then me and my dad drove their mom to the hospital when they were born.
We ran off all of our ice cream.
Love, love, love the pictures from NY! Looks like you guys had a blast, but I'm so glad you decided to come back home! :) Love you guys- Abbie, Shannon, Elijah, and Micah
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