Yesterday we joined some friends at the Zoo! We saw the gorilla who didn't really care that we were there.
The three muskateers watching the Elephants.
This past weekend we went to the beach to visit John's uncle and aunt. Lo wasn't feeling so well so she napped with Daddy for a bit.
We found a bunch of shells!
She got her face painted.
We rode the ponies! She LOVED this, I hope she's not going to want a pony when she gets a little older.
We have been trying to get ready for spring! Lo helped Daddy plant some flowers.
We do crazy acrobatics on the chair (and scare Mommy half to death).
We went to the zoo back in January and this is Lo and E watching the shark swim around. They did this for EVER! It was so funny!
So we've been pretty busy as you can tell. In a month, my baby girl will be 3! Can you believe it?? I am trying to plan a Tinkerbell party for by birthday girl! It's going to be so much fun! I will be updating later!