On Christmas day, we went to my sister's house for dinner and in the morning. Jack and Lorelei tried to play nicely.
Lorelei sporting her new dress that Papa bought for her. My Dad (Grampa) bought her her first bike. She is VERY excited about it!
Santa Claus came to Grammy and Papa's house.
Lorelei used Grammy's snowman broom to clean before Santa came and she put out cookies and milk for him, but was very upset Christmas morning to see that he had ate the cookies and drank the milk.
"I just cleaning, Mommy, I just cleaning."
We played in the snow with Grammy, Daddy and Max (the dog).
Once she realized she could throw the snow at people, she had TONS of fun!
Christmas Eve we went to my Dad's for lunch and to hang out for a while. It was interesting to try to get a picture of Jack and Lorelei together!
Shrimp, shrimp dip, chips and dip, cheese and crackers, what a fun lunch!
Lorelei colors with Uncle Tommy!
On December 18th, Hope for BraveHEARTS handed out Christmas presents to the kids/patients on PCICU and 8D (the new floor which is gorgeous! it used to be 7C). We also teamed up with Texas Roadhouse and served dinner to the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House.
Elijah was our BraveHEART Helper
Shannon giving Dr. Graham the donation for RESEARCH!!!!!!!
Lorelei also had her first taste of Hot Chocolate, since December was a VERY cold month in SC.
She got to use her Pillsbury Doughboy cup from Grampa Don. She LOVED it!
Santa Claus came early to SC since we were going to NY for Christmas. He had to do a test run before the real deal to make sure the reindeer were in working order.
Lorelei also went to see Dr. Shuler in December. She did really well this time and she showed me how much she has grown up. She let the nurse take her blood pressure and she laid still for the ECHO. Dr. Shuler says she looks good and her ECHO was great and we got another see you in 6 months. We will go back in June. I LOVE good reports!
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