We went to Wyoming for my cousin's wedding. It was really fun and the pictures from the first half of the weekend were deleted by Lo but my sister said she would send me her pics so that will be another post. It was Lorelei's first time on an airplane. She LOVED it. We flew out of Charlotte, we (my mom, TJ, Aunt Jan and Uncle Mark) met up with Aunt Jeannette and Jack in Charlotte and flew to Minneapolis then to Jackson Hole. It is beautiful out there. We saw buffalo. We took pictures while driving.
We played on the playground!
We went to the top of a mountain!
Lorelei didn't care that we were up 10,000 feet, she just liked the horse on the fence.
We were only up there for a few minutes because a storm was rolling in.
Uncle Mark helped push Lorelei up the mountain.
We were at the "Top of the World."
This was the sunrise the morning we left.
She was tuckered out. This is how she fell asleep, sitting up on the airplane.
I have posted several stories about our recent adventures and more will be coming since on Thursday we are flying to Wyoming for my cousin's wedding. It will be Lo's first time on a plane so it will definitely be an adventure. Then when we get back from Wyoming, John's parents are coming to visit again! We are excited so please read up on what we've been doing and keep looking for more posts about Wyoming!
Yesterday we went to Saluda Shoals Park to the Splash Pad with some Heart Friends. Lorelei was not sure at ALL about it.
Ok, maybe I'll go. Tristan, Britain, Izzy and Elijah enjoying the water. D was having tons of fun!
Still very unsure. Evie loving the shower!
Abi, Izzy, Evie, Elijah, Lo and Derrick playing. Derrick is asking Lo "How you doin?"
Lo and Evie giving hugs. She is constantly in motion!
Evie dancing. We got rained out of the Splash Pad, it started thundering and they shut the water off so we decided to go back to Shannon and Justin's to eat and play. Evie waiting patiently as Lo and Izzy eat. The kids were starving!
Sweet Britain. This was the best picture of all 4 of the Heart Babes but we are missing one who is up above looking down. They are all so sweet! We had a ton of fun but we really missed Rhonda, Sonny, Zeb, Preslee and Kerrigan. They couldn't come because Zeb was sick.
Jack and Lo with their chocolate, vanilla twist with rainbow sprinkles! Watching the birdies at Aunt Jeannette's house. Yum, ice cream! Let's see if we can push this big rock! Climbing!
Thursday morning we left at 3:30am for NY. John turned on the DVD player in the car for Lo and you would have thought Daddy was her hero the way she went on and on about it in the car. (We don't use it in the car that much.) I also got a speeding ticket in Virginia, but we finally got there around 5. The whole 14 hour trip I listened to Mickey Mouse, Dora, Diego and then some. Lo also sang ABC's and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ALOT! When we got to John's parents house we had PIZZA, I MISS NY pizza. It was soooooo good! Then we met up with my sister, Jack and Lexi to go get some ice cream from the same place that we went to get ice cream in the summer when we were little. It was so much fun!
I don't have any pics of Friday but Lo, Grammy and I went shopping then went to visit Grandpa and then we went out to eat with some good friends. Beth and Jill are identical twins that I have know since they were born. We were born 6 days apart and my dad brought their mom to the hospital when they were born. We grew up together and it was nice to get together and talk. We were hoping our other friend Julie would meet us but she wasn't able to come. We were able to go see her after dinner. Her son passed away 2 months ago and it was nice to be there for her since I couldn't when he passed. It is so nice knowing that your friends are there whenever you need them. We know we will always be friends and I love that you can not really talk for a while and then when you get together its like no time passed whatsoever! I think we even decided that the year we all turn 40 we are going to do it up! We have 7 years to plan it so it should be good!
Every year, John's Uncle has a pig roast for family and friends. John's mom is one of 10 and most of her brothers and sisters were there and this was the first time for some of them to meet Lorelei. They had fun things for the kids like the big water slide and a pool. Yes we brought Lo's swim suit but she was ready to go in her clothes, so we let her. It was VERY humid and hot out. She thought the rings for the pool were swimmies.