Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Heart Is Full!

Happy Belated Valentine's Day to everyone! John and I celebrated by going out to lunch with Lorelei and relaxing all day! It was very nice. On Friday the 13th, we went to Lorelei's friend Evie's (in the purple dress) first birthday party! It was so much fun. It was also nice to be around families that have gone through the same thing we have. (The Butchers were there too, and by the way, Rebecca is pregnant again, please keep the family in your prayers!) We are going to have a play date this week with her too!

Lorelei is doing great. She is pulling up and cruising all over. She still isn't sure about the walking thing but she's a quick learner. She blows raspberries and claps all the time. She loves bathtime too.

Lorelei and I wore our Palmetto Hearts t-shirts on the same day to raise awareness for Congenital Heart Defects. Don't mind Lorelei, she just woke up.

We hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

So Saturday started the week. John and I have bought shirts to let everyone know about the week. I will be wearing mine tomorrow as we have all decided to wear pink. On Friday we will wear red and then the whole family is going to celebrate our Heart Friend Evie's Birthday! I think that is the best way to end the week (other then Valentine's Day).

Lorelei is doing great, she has 4 teeth, crawling and clapping. She is also pulling up to standing and I have realized that I am NOT ready for her to walk yet. She's still my baby! We have to barricade her in the living room so she won't go into the kitchen and eat the dog food. She has busted through it a few times. It's pretty bad when a 9 month old outsmarts you! Here are some latest pics of the crazy haired one! Have a good week and remember to celebrate Congenital Heart Defect Awareness!