Just wanted to show a few pics of Lo and Jack. I will update you more this weekend.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Yesterday I made 2 projects. I made a no sew fleece pillow for one of the girls I work with who is going off to school. It matches her comforter set. I also sewed Baby Lo a burp cloth. It was the first time I used my sewing machine since I got it for my last birthday (11 months ago). It took me longer to figure out how to use the machine then it did to sew the burp cloth!
I also put Lorelei in her Bumbo for the first time. She really enjoyed it.
The first picture is of Lorelei's new hair bow. Its a purple princess crown. Her onesie says 'new family favorite'. We are now going to spend the week getting ready for the family to come! Have a good week!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
3 months old
I cannot believe she is 3 months old already, it seems like just yesterday I was being told to go straight to the hospital and that I was going to have a baby the next day!
Lorelei found her voice the other night. She realized that she could screech and she thought that was great! She's consistently eating 4 ounces at a time now and could probably eat more. We have borrowed a Bumbo (the newest thing that looks like a booster seat to help her sit up by herself) so we are going to try to use that. She has been congested this past week so we've been using the froggy humidifier Meemaw got her and it has helped. She's had bouts of crying at night and I don't want to call it colic because I'm not sure if that is what it is. When this happens we just put her in the bouncy seat and turn the vibration on and she calms right down. I bought her some hairbows online and I thought because they were velcro they would stay in her hair. Boy I was wrong! Maybe if I can put them in when she's not moving....
So this next week John, Lorelei and I are going to be getting ready for Aunt Jeannette to come. We all can't wait to see her and my nephew Jack. On Friday before Jeannette gets here we have a lunch date with Juliet, Delaney and Jayne. This will be the first time they meet her and I can't wait to show her off! :O)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
This week
This week we have been watching my sister Jan's dogs since she is in France. Oh by the way, she got engaged to Mark while she was there! We are so excited! I don't know many details because we can't talk for very long since its so expensive. Other then that not too much else is going on. Lorelei is still sleeping pretty much through the night (9pm to 4am) that's almost all night. She's becoming more vocal and likes to "talk" to us. We bought a book about baby sign language so we may try to start doing that too. Friday she turned 12 weeks old. I can't believe its already been that long.
Once the dogs leave, John and I will start getting ready for Jeannette, Marc, Lexi and Baby Jack to come visit. They will be here for a whole week. We can't wait!
Friday, July 11, 2008
New Blog
I just found a blog through Annabelle's blog about this beautiful little girl Audrey Caroline, its called Bring the Rain. The family is beautiful and I feel blessed that I can post about it to let y'all know about this family.
Lorelei is doing well, getting bigger everyday. I just wish there was a good way to cut her nails because I would really like not to be scratched anymore! :O)
Hope everyone has a great weekend, we will be dog sitting and having fun!
PS The photo is Lo's look at me I'm cute and know it look :O)
Monday, July 7, 2008
One last thing...
What's been going on....
Well for starters she slept though the night July 4th night! Mommy and Daddy were so excited but Mommy checked up ALOT, just to make sure she was breathing. :O) She's growing so much! We celebrated our first 4th of July at Meemaw's house with friends and family. Mommy has been putting bows on my head. John and I are watching my sister and her boyfriends (Jan and Mark) dogs for a week while they are in France with my mom. It's been fun so far and boy are they funny. Bella (pug/beagle mix) tries to sleep under the covers with us and Lola (our dog) doesn't understand why other dogs are in her bed. Emma (a hound of some sort) just pals around with Lola and aggravate Bella. It's pretty funny to watch. Lorelei thinks its fun when they play. She can hear them and looks around for them.
Lorelei has had some fussiness issues at night but they are slowing down some. She likes her bouncy seat and swing finally. She likes to talk to me when she gets up at night. It wakes me up out of my stupor because its just so cute. Happy Summer!
Lorelei has had some fussiness issues at night but they are slowing down some. She likes her bouncy seat and swing finally. She likes to talk to me when she gets up at night. It wakes me up out of my stupor because its just so cute. Happy Summer!
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